bandwidth test.

What is bandwidth test ?

A bandwidth test is a program that sends one or more files of known size over a network to a distant computer (for example, your own computer), measures the time required for the file(s) to successfully download at the destination, and thereby obtains a theoretical figure for the data speed between two or more points, usually in kilobits per second (Kbps) or megabits per second (Mbps).

If the results of the ADSL speedtest are unclear, always measure again and repeat the speedcheck at different times of day and on different days. During the test, downloads or other Internet calls should not take place.

Reasonable ranges :
  • ADSL / DSL 1.000 -> values between 800 kbs und 1.2 MBs
  • ADSL / DSL 2.000 -> values between 1.7 MBs and 2.3 MBs
  • ADSL / DSL 3.000 -> values between 2.5 MBs and 3.5 MBs
  • ADSL / DSL 6.000 -> values between 5.5 MBs and 6.5 MBs
  • Variations of 0 - 25% can occur; in this case, measure again or later

 Factors that affect test results include:
  • Internet traffic (speed generally decreases as volume increases)
  • Variable propagation delays (can artificially inflate or degrade the result)
  • Noise on data lines (has a real detrimental effect)
  • The size(s) of file(s) used for the test
  • The number of files used for the test
  • The demand load on the test server at time of test
  • Geomagnetic and/or thunderstorm activity